Thursday, December 18, 2008

ready to head east

we are heading to the east coast this weekend to visit our our family and friends for christmas. we hope everyone has a very merry christmas. we'll see you next year!

Friday, December 5, 2008

4 months

Mary Ryan had her 4 month check up yesterday. She is a whopping 13 lbs 10ozs and 24 inches long. Still a little peanut but she is creeping up there! As you can see from the picture she was a little nervous about the shots, but she did great. She cried as they were giving her the shots, but as the nurse was putting the bandaids on her, she stopped crying and smiled! It was really cute. The doctor said to me many times ' you have one happy baby on your hands '. She is the best!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

all bundled up

Mary Ryan is all bundled up and ready for winter! It's getting cold out there.

gobble gobble

Hope everyone had a very happy thanksgiving! we certainly did. Brian and I hosted 2 couples, the Kirk's and the Sattelmair's, for dinner. Tim Kirk is 2 month's old and Mary Ryan and him are becoming fast friends! We had such a great time and are so thankful to have made such great friends out in KC!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Godparents, Aimee and Mark

On November 23, Mary Ryan was christened. Nana & Papa O'Sullivan, Mama & Pop O'Neill, Aimee, Mark, Ryan, Stephen and Henry Fulchino all made the trip out to KC for the big day. Brian and I are so grateful for all of them making the trip out. It was a crazy weekend to say the least, but it was so great to have everyone together! Here are some pics from the weekend (i've also put some more on the slide show).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

waking up.

It won't come as much of a surprise to anyone to hear that Mary Ryan loves her crib. It might be because she loves to sleep! When Mary Ryan wakes up in the morning, she loves to hang out in her crib for awhile before she begins her day. We'll hear her talking away to herself which is the cutest thing ever!!! I thought I'd share with you one of my favorite times with her - the morning.

p.s. excuse the baby talk!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Our good friend Gregg has been in KC for the week. He works for State Street so lucky for Brian and I we get to see him out here quite a bit. Gregg is one of our closest friends and Mary Ryan just loves hanging out with him!

p.s. Sorry for the lack of updates. I have started working again so getting the time to take pictures and update the blog is harder than usual. But I promise to do my best!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

and the vote is in

Mary Ryan, Brian and I all voted today! Mary Ryan is very anxious to see how it all pans out.
Mary Ryan is 3 months old today. She is sleeping and eating like a champ. She is just about 12 pounds. She really is such a happy baby. She smiles and coos so much which makes Brian and I smile and coo a lot too :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

happy halloween!

happy halloween everyone. we are getting ready for the loads of trick-or-treaters about to come our way.
mary ryan is loving the day so far. lucky for her, i've had her in many outfits to celebrate the day. aunt katie sent her this sweet pea outfit. how cute!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

and a couple more from the trip east..

here are a couple more pictures of mary ryan from our trip east. we found a baby picture of my father and they really do look alike. so although she screams o'sullivan, there is definitely some o'neill in there!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

mary ryan visits boston and dc

the fam with mama and pop

at 'write for you' (mama's shop)

mary ryan's friend charlotte perry

aunt laurie and cousin leo and aunt beth and cousin padraig

cousin susannah

we were in boston and dc visiting our family last week. it was a great trip. mary ryan got to meet lots of cousins, aunts, uncles and friends. and we must point out that mary ryan was a super airplane rider!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

first (play) date

getting ready for her play date..

mary ryan and timothy getting to know each other..

today we visited the kirk's who just had an addition to their family: timothy! timothy was born on September 26. mary ryan is very excited to have a new friend!

Friday, October 10, 2008

loving bath time

Mary Ryan has started to really enjoy bath time..just like mommy!


2 months!

This has been a big week for Mary Ryan. She had her 2 month check up. She weighs 10lbs and is 22 inches long. She had her first round of shots and that was certainly no fun at all, but Mary Ryan was a trooper. Me on the other hand; I think I cried harder than her!

Mary Ryan is smiling and dancing away these days! She is also making some very cute sounds. Lots of ''oohs" and "aahs" She is officially out of newborn clothes..woo hoo!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

go sox!

mary ryan is all ready for tonight's first red sox play off game. she is wicked excited!

p.s. sweater courtesy of aunt laurie (who else right?)---who happens to have a birthday today. happy birthday aunt laurie. love you!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Papa!

Happy Birthday Papa. We love and miss you!
(yes that is ribbon tied around her...the midwest is getting to me!)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


she is loving her crib. yay!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

bath time

Mary Ryan has finally started to tolerate her baths. Rumor has it baths tire babies out but Mary Ryan was wide awake last night! Mom has heavy eyes today :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's fall?

Apparently it is the first day of fall but it definitely still feels like summer here in KC. It was a gorgeous weekend, low 80's. We spent Saturday at a local art fair which was a ton of fun. Anyone who wants to visit us (hint hint), you should definitely come next year for this art fair. It's a big party...and you know how I love a good party. Mary Ryan seemed to enjoy it herself!

p.s. happy 2nd birthday to my nephew Henry! love you.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

little rose

Ok who would of thought that I'd be so into dressing my daughter in so much pink? But I admit it, I love it! The more pink the better!

p.s. outfit courtesy of her aunt susan..she's so stylish!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

ladies night.

Aimee, Mary Ryan and I hit the town last night. Mary Ryan is lucky to have such a fabulous aunt. We miss and love you Aimee!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

mary ryan's fulchino cousins

My sister Aimee is out here visiting! She has 3 boys, Ryan, Stephen and Henry. Here are some of my favorite pictures of them. I can't wait for Mary Ryan to meet them!
p.s. Ryan has a girl-friend, cute is this picture??!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Katie's visit (part 2)

Katie was a lot better at snapping pics of Mary Ryan than I was while she was here. Here are some of my favorites that she got. I've added the rest to the slideshow so take a look!