Thursday, June 25, 2009

it's been an interesting week.

MaryRyan is all over the place this week. She's had a runny RUNNY nose and slight fever every day this week. It might be because it's a thousand degrees outside. Or maybe teeth? Who knows. As I mentioned before, she has learned how to pull herself up. All good except she loves to stand up and jump in her crib which means she has had trouble settling down for bed. And for those who know how I advocate for sleep, I don't really tolerate it all that well. So I just let her do her thing as long as it takes. I'm hoping the novelty of this wears off soon. She also has started crawling like a normal person this week! Just when I thought I was getting jipped, she started. I'm very excited about it. I know everyone says 'be careful what you wish for',but I still think babies crawling is very cute. I love it. I love it. And she just loves to clap which is the greatest. I came home from a long day at work, Brian was traveling, and I walk in to her clapping when she saw me. It's an instant mood lifter!

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