7 weeks! we seem to have gotten the acid reflux under control, thanks to some changes in her
meds. this is a huge relief for me since she was spitting up everything she ate which caused her fussiness, etc. she is definitely improving on sleep. her naps during the day are getting more consistent and
i'm happy to report she slept for 6 consecutive hours last night.
hooray! keeping my fingers crossed this keeps up.
i had her at the doctors this week b/c it seemed like her cold got worse. thankfully she checked out fine but a bonus was i got to weight her. she is 8 lb 10 oz. excellent!
fiona definitely has a witching hour which is usually between 4-9pm. makes the evenings pretty eventful! thankfully MR can be reasoned with when things get crazy which is a huge help. i tell her every night how thankful i am for her. she seriously is the best big sister ever!
and last but not least, she is smiling! yay!