MaryRyan and Brian have been spending some serious quality time together. MR has been enjoying her breakfast dates at McDonald's. I asked her what she wanted for dinner tonight and she said 'Old McDonald's".
This has been a challenging week. Fiona has acid reflux so she has a rash b/c of all the spit up and she has this raspy/horse voice. It is clearly making her uncomfortable b/c we have had several sleepless nights. She's on some meds so hopefully she'll feel better soon. MaryRyan continues to be such a good girl. She is loving her big girl bed. I have been worried about her waking up at night to Fiona's cries but everytime i peek in on her she is snoring like a log. A girl after my own heart!
Brian and I have been tag teaming so he and MR are bffs. Today, after breakfast at McDonald's, he took her to get her haircut and to get some new shoes. Fiona and I took a well needed nap. I asked her what she wanted since she has been such a good girl for staying in her bed and she said she wanted a hair cut. well ok then..a hair cut it is!
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